I am Savita Dhutti,a science teacher at a well established public school in India.I welcome all of you to My science mania ! Its a website,I created for sharing e-learning experience with my students.Science is in fact, a real fun.It is a subject never--never confined within the four walls of the clssroom.Science is a continuous process of learning! I wish to create a pleasing learning environment for my students.So, Come and ENJOY Science with me.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Health and Fitness Management for the students

A few guidelines by a science teacher!

At breakfast always offer some fruit with breakfast cereals or offer diluted fruit juice as a drink.
With cooked breakfasts include some mushrooms, tomatoes or baked beans.
Always offer at least one vegetable and one fruit at lunch and supper.
Crunchy raw vegetables such as carrot sticks and cucumber slices are popular in lunch boxes and with cold meals.
For simple puddings, serve fruit with yogurt, custard or ice cream.
Younger children often eat more fruit when it is cut up for them.
Choose cooked puddings containing fruit, eg fruit crumbles, tarts and souffles.
If serving cake or biscuits always serve them with some pieces of fruit Drinks.
Milk and water are the best drinks for children as they do not damage teeth.
Fruit juices are acidic and, although they provide nutrients, they can damage tooth enamel when offered between meals. Offer them well diluted at meal times to avoid this.
Sugary, fizzy drinks and squashes are also acidic and give calories but virtually no nutrients. Given frequently between meals they cause tooth decay.
Children’s appetites vary from day to day depending on how they feel and how active they are so keep an open mind on how much they will eat. Let them decide.Always offer 2 courses at lunch and supper – a savoury course and a pudding. This gives 2 opportunities for children to eat nutritious foods.
Children eat better when there is a routine of 3 meals with 1 or 2 nutritious snacks each day. Do not allow grazing on food throughout the day. It is important for children to feel hungry before a meal and then learn that feeling of having had enough and not needing any more.
Many overweight children have no idea when they feel comfortably full as they tend to graze on snacks throughout the day and have little experience of when they are hungry and when they are not.
An itelligent mind rests in a healthy body! Lets unfold the intelligence of our students focussing on their health.

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