I am Savita Dhutti,a science teacher at a well established public school in India.I welcome all of you to My science mania ! Its a website,I created for sharing e-learning experience with my students.Science is in fact, a real fun.It is a subject never--never confined within the four walls of the clssroom.Science is a continuous process of learning! I wish to create a pleasing learning environment for my students.So, Come and ENJOY Science with me.

Wednesday 21 May 2008

What is attracted to magnets?

Take a wand magnet and go around the house to see what will stick to it or feel like it is attracted to it. Keep a list of the items you tried, and if the attraction was strong, weak, or none. Then try to figure out why.


Try especially different types of metals, for example:

iron and steel (nails, screws and nuts)
stainless steel (special hardware, some kitchen sinks, most everyday forks and spoons)
brass (special screws, kick-plates on front doors)
zinc (battery case)
copper (old pennies, copper pipes)
bronze (marine bell)
aluminum (foil)
silver (expensive silverware, some jewelry)
gold (wedding rings, grandma's teeth)
mercury (thermometer - no need to break the thermometer to do the test)
nickel (some coins, US nickels are made of 75% copper!, try Canadian nickels)
tungsten (filament in light bulb)
magnesium (from a science supply store, used in a ribbon form for burning in air, or from a hardware store that carries magnesium floats for working with concrete)
coins from several countries (try Canada, England, China, Japan, Germany)